Daddy sounds like the kind of person I would have liked to know, and I feel like I get a bit of that through being your friend, Rose. Thanks for sharing his memory with us.

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I do get immersed in the way you tell your stories of your life. The smoothness by which you bring me along with you lets me experience what you let me see as I read your words. For me it’s akin to watching a movie unfold its beauty. Scene by scene, paragraph by paragraph is as if I am feeling, smelling and seeing all that you do. I think that is exactly what I am supposed to feel when I am transported. You give that to me, so thank you for writing your memoir and sharing its’ impact on your readers. I hope to read more of your stories for a long time to come. ❤️🌼

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Maybe this is how a person lives forever. They affect your life and you pass it on: in your stories, in your outlook, in the things you love. Proudly signing myself, Nancy Perry Shinn. Our lives are infinitely richer in every way because of Daddy.

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