loving this :)

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RE: focus -- Robert Reich has, in my opinion, the best Substack of political analysis. If you want to know what's going on, read him. BUT, intermixed with those political posts are highly personal posts, such as him dealing with a genetic disorder that left him very short (4'11") and the bullying he got in school, and just today, on losing old friends, something us boomers are going through. Point -- maybe focus isn't so important for Substack, although it might be for a book.

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Ohhh I like this perspective, Dennis. Thanks for sharing this. I've seen similar patterns as well on some others spaces. Very good ideas!

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Hi Rose

No questions for now just a thank you for creating this space!

Although I started stacking end of last year consistency and self-doubt have been my challenges. Nothing like a major upcoming life change and some support to light a fire under me 💃🏽

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Sabrina I'm so glad you have decided to join us!! I know self-doubt well, a familiar visitor :). Let's do it together, shall we? I think its ok if self-doubt shows up every once in awhile, reminds us we are human, but lets help each other remember that it doesn't need to rule us. As for big life changes... same :). Let's let writing help us on the journey ❤️Glad you are here.

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Me too Rose, thank you 🙏🏽

And I love this - “Let’s let writing help us on the journey”

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Thankyou for the detailed reply. And yes, engaging with each other's notes sounds like a super idea.

While we wait for the Lady Luck and Substack to work their magic, spaces like this one that you have created, will keep us going. Reminds me of that last line in Casablanca (sure you know the one).

See you around!


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I love it! So glad you are here! ❤️

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Hey... Thanks for this! It really gives some drive to continue while I feel I'm writing to an empty void and full of doubts.

I struggle on understanding the focus of my publication and which categories to chose. I really want to write about everything and topics vary from politics and identity to book reviews and fiction and erotica and art and who knows where life will take... what can I do?

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Hiii Bidi

I feel similar when it comes to topics.

I find myself going to write a note and then deleting because what is the relevance?

I think I’m going to approach it how I approach business in asking how can I be of service. Sharing can be an act of service ❤️

Happy learning and writing.

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Yay, Bidi, now that is what I like to hear! Together we are better!

I know your struggle of too many topics as well!!!! This is SUCH an important question as we are getting started. And I don't have an answer. For this very reason I'm not sure yet if discovering the ability to create 'sections' will be the beginning of something wonderful for me, or the silver bullet that takes me down because now I've been thinking ohhhh I can create a section to hold every single category of idea and then I don't have to choose just one!!! Not sure if that is the best idea or not though! But, since I'm planning to make the next Newbie News article dedicated to introductions and our topics - I will include some thoughts on this topic as well - so lets discuss it in more detail then! (I'll try to get that one out today - so it won't be long :) )

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Rose, thank you! I needed this. Rookie questions, but I will ask anyway -

1) You know how Substack sends that list of stacks you might like on email and the ones in the Discover section? Is that by random selection or can one ask someone in Substack to be part of those lists?

2) How does chat work. What if I have zero followers? Will a live chat help me?

3) How do you get noticed on Notes?


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Kavita, welcome!! Great questions. For 1), I'm really not sure. But I've seen some of the writers who have zillions of subscribers post screen shots when they find their name on those recommended lists ...and it seems like it was a surprise to them lol. In other words, my guess is that Substack picks articles that their metrics are showing as trending or popular, and the authors don't have any direct say or role in who or what is selected. I'll let you know if I learn more though - or if anyone else knows feel free to chime in. For 2) I think on Substack this is an existential question on the caliber of "what is the meaning of life?" 😂 If you use the search bar you'll find many great authors giving tips on what works. From my perspective though, a lot of it just comes down to luck! And I've had some little spurts of luck, but the vast majority of my notes still go completely unnoticed - so I don't have any magic. One little thing I noticed that perhaps increases luck is that if a note grabs your interest that happens to be by a popular author and you get a comment in there fairly early, before a zillion others do - sometimes there can get some good engagement. Another thing is just quantity... just sending out lots and lots of notes.. the more darts you throw at the dartboard, eventually you will hit one. The thing I'll say about that though - is guard your mental health. I found that it was very easy to get TOO invested and feel too bummed when things don't get noticed, or even more harmful - simply spending way too much time doom scrolling. Its not worth it. Ok last thought is - lets figure out how to help one another. I'll add that to the list for an upcoming topic too - maybe we can do a blitz for ideas of ways that we can engage with each others notes and content :)

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Rose, thank you for creating this! is this the comment section you're referring to? I am really so so new to this. I found the Section guide so helpful. I think I'm going to have to actually do it. On the Sections article you linked to, there is also some helpful items in the comments there.

Question: Can you create a section from any of your previous publications at anytime? I'm also a little confused on the "website" aspect. Do you create the tab for that? I think my confusion will probably be cleared up if I just go ahead and try it sometime.

Secondly, does anyone have a good place to point toward for Substackers who have a really fleshed-out space here? Like to see what "could be" (all -in with branding, etc).

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Ok and for the part about the tab... I had to go back and look. So I actually only see the tab on the publications page. So for mine, on the readtheinstructions.substack.com page. But no, I didn't have to create it - the tab just appeared after I created the section. And after you create the section its easy because when you start a new post there will be a drop down menu to select which section you want your post to live in (wish we could share screenshots in these comments, but it doesn't seem possible :) )

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Thanks for taking the time to answer all these! I see a few more people in the comments, too. I already feel less overwhelmed 😊

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That is wonderful to hear Ciel. Yes, lets figure this all out - together ❤️

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I think Kristi’s page is pretty mature, and maybe a good example -> https://substack.com/@wildhoodwanted?r=3cxjb4&utm_medium=ios&utm_source=profile

I can see she has two different … something’s. I’m not sure if hers are two totally separate publications or a publication + section though (I don’t see the section tab, but maybe that’s only on the authors side?)

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Yes ma’am you are in the right place!!!

For your first question on if you can create a section on any publication at any time… I think so? I only have one publication so only one data point lol but it worked easily enough :)

You should totally create one! I’ll join ✌️!

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