It can definitely be awkward or even hard to commeont someone's raw emotional post here and everywhere. What I typically do is think about the conversation I would have with the person about what they wrote in person, type out what I would say and then read it out loud to check for tone.

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Thanks for this candid response Jamie. I so desire to communicate with my readers, but so much of what I write could be considered raw. I’ve been thinking a lot about how I can continue to write from the heart but encourage more engagement… I don’t have any answers yet but your response at least helps me feel sane about it all - thanks again for stopping by!!

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To keep myself from being a basket case (also an amazing Green Day song), I never underestimate the power of recommendations from friends for music, movies, and books. Or I try to delve into other interests - biology, astronomy or art history, etc. Even when I’m not looking to be inspired, there is so much that recharges me and influences my work, after all, the things we consume are still other humans doing their thing. I’m a big fan of things like RadioLabs, where they connect several topics. I always feel full of wonder after listening.

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Thanks Ciel! These are fantastic suggestions! I'd never heard of Radiolabs but it looks so interesting - gonna check that out for sure. I tend to get a bit hyper focused so all of these are good reminders to pull back and dip into other interests when the going gets rough in writing - thanks again for the kind and creative ideas!

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You have taken on quite a lot Rose, to delve into your own painful memories and yet still reach out to encourage others to take care of themselves. Whether we feel driven to write, or are pushing ourselves to write, I try to make dwelling on heavy topics only part of the whole day. The biggest help for me is getting outdoors and making sure I am in the present. If I find myself feeling regrets, I know I am too much in the past, and if I find myself worrying, I know I am looking into the future. Being in the present and outside grounds me and brings me into the reality that is happening now.

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Nancy thank you so much for this thoughtful reply. Indeed nature is the best remedy and always helps with grounding, peace, and joy. I really appreciate that reminder 💕

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What an insightful, thoughtful, and encouraging comment. Thank you 🙏 Florian!! 💜

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The pleasure is mine Rose!

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I love your story Rose. Thank you for opening so much and allowing the world to see you as you are!

That's a beautiful gift.

Oh my end I think passion makes your topic interesting no matter how you write.

Just as the best speakers are not the most perfect ones from a technical perspective.

I don't try to balance what I write, I try to let it be and allow the world to read this, because it is already balanced, at least for the people who need to read it.

Which I think you do really well! Congratulations!

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