This is such a brilliant perspective. 48 degree water. No problem.

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Thanks for reading and for the kind reflection Robin. 🙏

Yeah last summer was my first time trying out the water… I was all set in my Florida beach gear, but I didn’t make it past ankle deep 😆

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Rose, I love your writing voice! Thank you for this much-needed reminder that even when we're outside our comfort zones, we still know more than we think we do. AND it's also okay to be new at stuff and suck at it for a while. 😊

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Robin, thank you so much for reading and sharing your thoughts. Embracing the suck is a critical step, indeed 😆

And yes absolutely.... we worked hard for our experience - we may as well make sure the juice was worth the squeeze hehe! 🍊 💗

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If you want lots of followers, writing interesting things (you do) is one part but the tricky part is marketing. There are all sorts of ways to let people know about your writing, but I don't know what they are. Most of my Substack articles get 50-100 views, but someone shared one on Reddit and I got 600 views. It's a game I don't understand. Let me know when you figure that one out!

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Dennis, yeah, no clue here 😆. Marketing feels exhausting to me, but I'm giving it at least an inch of a college try hehe. Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts!

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Dear Rose,

You nailed it with this essay. I feel inspired to be in this new place learning all these new things as a newbie. I love your idea about transferability and remembering how you’ve been in places before and haven’t known it. all. There is always learning. It’s OK to be a beginner and go slow. I love learning. I am so glad to be here with you and to watch a growth.

Thank you again !

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Prajna thanks for your kind words and sharing your reflections on this article! I am really glad to hear that it resonated 🙏🏽 Truly I think none of what we learn ever goes to waste, it is just a matter of figuring out how it applies in new spaces. Thanks again for reading and sharing your thoughts. 💗

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