Thank you, for sharing your insight and your experiences! You have a wonderful gift! I found Baby Reindeer thought provoking. One of the things that also stood out for me was. His Father was also sexually abused and had kept it a secret. I pray that some family healing was able to begin. As you well know talking, writing and sharing can be so healing.

Much 💕

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Melinda thanks for reading and your kind words! That’s such a great point about the father. That part stuck out to me as well, wondering if and how the unspoken trauma of the dad actually contributed to Donny / Gadd being more susceptible to such similar abuse. And to your point, if they can also spread healing between each other. A tragedy and a miracle all at once perhaps 💗 Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts!

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May 19Liked by Rose G.

Rose - my experience watching Baby Reindeer was one of disturbing fascination. After reading your interpretation with your own script flipping trauma - I’d like to sincerely say - I’m so sorry that you went through that. You have to keep at this. You are a good writer with great style. I’m not sure if any literary genius said this but “keep writing until it hurts”. Thanks for sharing.

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Well perhaps you are now the literary genius who said those words Leslie ❤️, a lot of truth to the benefits of writing until it hurts! Thanks for your kindness and empathy. If you’re interested, the intro series is now all published (parts 2 and 3) ☺️ which (I think!) is a lot lighter than this one :)

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I want you to know I read your whole post and it helped me understand some people in my life who have been through sexual assault.

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Pam thanks for sharing. That means a great deal to me. Your grace and understanding towards them can be an important part of their healing.

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Fascinating content, well written. I have more to say...

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Dennis, thanks for your kinds words and for taking the time to read

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This was an exceptional read (which somehow feels inappropriate to say?). What I mean is you are an exceptional writer. I’m sorry to hear what you went through. I look forward to reading more of what you have to say (about anything). Thank you for sharing.

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May 14·edited May 14Author

Thanks for your kind words Ciel. And no, at least to me that doesn't feel inappropriate at all. It is important for me know if I'm doing these memories justice. And what I mean by that is writing/packaging the memories in a way that allow others to connect or extract anything that is meant to be extracted from them. I've peeked at your page and can't wait to dig in more, looks like you've got some real doozies (in a good way) in there.

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